
Spring Cleaning

A few days ago AJ and I ventured out onto the deck to clean off all of the leaves, rearrange the furniture, and make room for the super-sweet hanging chair that the Scavias got me for Christmas. Sarah and I actually watched a San Diego sunset from the exact same chair when we were out there for her conference, and Grampa Don and Gramma Ellen tracked the chair down for me. I have two words for you... well, two sets of two words, so, I guess four words. Foot rests. Cup holders.

I can't wait to get it set up!


Kristin Mullins said...

Oh my god. The hat, the help, the talking....he is super duper cute. What fun!! I hope you got that chair up ok. Thinking of you guys!! Love you!!

Sarah said...

Mike and I just watched a comedian who said people have kids to train them to do the things that you don't want to do :) hmmmm

Kristin Mullins said...

"Yes sir!" Love those little lips. Here I am watching again and again and again. Super cute!!!