
Obstacle Course

Here is how Aidan and I spent our Friday. He followed me back and forth through the maze/obstacle course thing I built until he was out of breath and giggling, lying on his back, sleep threatening to overtake him. I have to say it was one of the best afternoons ever.

Here is the whole layout. Since the exercise ball was in front of the end of the tunnel, he was just banging away on the ottoman until the maze was ready.

The ball was moved out of the way, and AJ was off! 

The giggling was already in full force...

Beyond the Sea of Blankets, and through Couch Cushion Pass, Aidan was face to face with the two guardians! 

AJ vs a whole lot of stuffed animal, who will prevail?

He's vanqushed one foe! Only Klondike remains.

Past the Gate Guardians, and onto the seemingly limitless Pillow Fields.

Aidan has defeated the obstacle course, and found his Whoozit ball amongst the pillows. This was about the third different course, and we went back and forth through it until it was completely destroyed. The ensuing nap was no less than epic! 

Here's hoping your weekend was as productive and fun.  ^_^


Sharon said...

I'm impressed! And I'm also having flashbacks to "Double Dare." I'll take the physical challenge...

jess said...

Wow! i wish i had accomplished half as much!

Don Scavia said...

I see a running back in the making!

Kristin Mullins said...

I am also impressed! I like Sharon's Double Dare idea. Now if only we can dig up all of our old gear!!! : ) This defiantely brought me back to our days of "fort" making. So fun!!

Ellen said...

Hmmmm I wonder who had more fun? Aidan or Daddy?