
Pics and such

I love posting fun stuff on this blog  ^_^

Sarah and I are slowly making progress at the house. We finally arranged the furniture downstairs the way we like, and we have a gate to keep AJ away from the entertainment center and treadmill. The result is the new home of the DDC, the big wide open basement. The Champ really seems to like it - he does laps back and forth, playing with toys, climbing on the couch, and going through his tunnel whenever he crosses the middle of the room. 

We also cleared enough of the bookcases, tv stands and such out of the garage that I was able to pull the car in today. It makes life a lot easier to load a kid into the car in the garage when its pouring outside all day.

As far as Aidain himself goes, he's quite happy. He's had a few staring spells and his medication has been adjusted, but otherwise he is doing great. I think he hit a growth spurt recently so there have been some nights where he's "gently suggested" I come into his room and give him a bottle. Luckily for me, most nights when this happens I can talk Aidan into a Dad-and-baby nap for an hour or two.  One of the things I will miss the most as this kiddo grows up is snuggling with him under one blanket and taking a nap.

Love you all, check the 8 month gallery for ~30 new pictures