
Good to be Home

Well, we packed up AJ and brought him home today.

During his 2 hour seizure he received what seemed like the whole medicine closet to try and stop it. We all thought that, as a result, he wouldn't wake up for days. However (in a feat that Dr. Funk said bodes well for his frat party days) he was up and thrashing around his crib later that evening. Since he was eating, drinking, playing, and ripping off all his monitoring equipment he got to go home.

I really can't say enough about all of the well-wishes you guys sent our way. Many of you expressed that you feel helpless being so far away, but I wanted to let you know that phone calls, texts, and voice mails do make a difference, so thank you.

Also, the folks at Stoney Batter Family Medicine welcomed Sarah and I into their family with an amazing care package. They sent Sarah home early on the day of AJ's seizure, and the other Docs picked up her patients. Then today everyone chipped in to get us some gourmet meals and an amazing bag of toys for Aidan. I will certainly take some pictures of AJ with the new toys, they are super cute.

Love you guys